Apologize ONCE, If at All

September 12th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

By: Bobbi-Jo Brighton, CST, LCI Have you ever noticed the person who over - apologizes? And does it cause you to look at the person a bit differently? Early this year, I met with a

From Women To Women: Marketing For Greater Inclusion And Equality

September 1st, 2017|Categories: Blog|

In June, Susan Ho and Leiti Hsu, the co-founders of Journy, spoke out about sexual harassment by a prominent Silicon Valley VC--an action that resulted in his resignation. It also spurred a series of women

Rise Up! Women in Technology

September 1st, 2017|Categories: Blog|

Their accomplishments may be seldom recognized, and throughout history, they have had to fight for their achievements in the first place. Even today, their prominence in tech is not what it should be. Yet there